But let's not get some things twisted. A few things to know here...
1. I'm not looking for people to criticize me. I get judged everyday by complete strangers in the way they look at me and some unfortunate "whispers" I've overheard by people. I'm not so sensitive that it really bothers me but.... I, like almost every human on the planet, don't like being judged by my outer appearance. One of the things I've noticed about people is that they are so quick to call fat people names and say horrible things about them because they're overweight but the minute that fat person tries to lose weight, people REALLY start to pile on the criticism, making it even harder on the confidence of the person trying to lose. So don't hate. No one is forcing you to follow, read, or comment on this blog.
2. I'm doing this for me. To be healthy and fit and be able to take care of my daughter and husband... I think that being healthy will help me to better do that. Since having baby Olivia, my body is not the same as it once was. While I have been heavy all my life, I feel that I've reached an unsafe weight that will lead to multiple health problems and cut my life with my family back considerably.
3. Expect complaining some weeks when you read this. If you've ever tried to lose any amount of weight in your life, you know that it's hard. I'm not going to be Suzy fucking sunshine "I love working out and eating salad all the time!" I'm going to be pissed when I don't lose, I'm going to be complaining about not getting to eat the ice cream or giving up the few extra beers at the bar. I don't expect that to be all I blog about but don't jump my shit when I get a bit whiny about giving up some of the things I really like.
These things being said, I appreciate and welcome meal suggestions, workout suggestions, encouragement and motivation. Humor and love also accepted. This is why I'm choosing to blog about this challenge... because while exposing myself in this way is extremely embarrassing, I know that it's going to be a push to do my best.
Starting tomorrow, July 15, 2012 until July 13, 2013 I am going to try to lose 100lbs. Right now, my biggest challenge is time to get to the gym and workout. I do have some home workouts and I know there is some supplementing that will take place. In addition to losing the weight, I think the smoking has got to go. I don't want to be in the middle of this process and have a stroke. While I'm giving up bad habits, quitting seems logical. However, I don't quite know if I'm going to be able to make that leap.. but I want to and I am going to try my best.
So, cheers to the old outer me... I'll still be the same sarcastic and loving person I always was, just without the feeling that death is stalking me. And thanks in advance to my followers for participating/encouraging me in something that will change me forever.
Much Peace and Love,
326 lbs
Size 26/28
No current workouts
1/2 a Pack- 1 Pack a Day Smoker
I think you are beautiful and courageous. Love and support, an ear any time you want to whine, and a makeover (if you want one!) when you reach your goal. Or before then if you need a pamper-you day. :-)