Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weeks 7-10 Epic Fail

Hello There Readers!
I trust everyone is gearing up for the fall seasons... rumor has it Walmart has Christmas trees up which makes me wanna punch cute things in the face... But that's another conversation all together...

Down to business... In the past three weeks I have managed to stay at the same weight except a few ounces (.3 oz to be exact). How I managed this feat, I can only wonder in awe as I have had almost no tracking or gym time.

I feel like a big fail most of the time but then I think it isn't quite as bad as it is in my head. I've had some stresses and some roadblocks the past few weeks. Visiting my Grandfather in Elkhart, IN where he and my grandmother eat nothing but carbs and sugars for most of thier meals was a certain gain week but I found that I didn't really want all the raspberry jelly donuts I could eat. The road trip part was a bit tricky, as turpike food isn't exactly for the skinny gal... but I fared ok... mostly relying on caffine to see me through and sheer willpower got me past not ordering the fatty fat carnivore special at Arbys which had both pulled pork AND hamburger (seriously, do they just WANT people to fall over dead after eating thier food?!!) So proud I am of my roadtrip non weight gain.

Gym failure is really no excuses... I've been busy but also extremely lazy. I'd like to blame Netflix and Hulu Plus for this foray into pkrofessional couch sitting but seeing as I'm now watching all seasons of Dawson's Creek, it's just official that I'm lazy. (Man, that Jen is such a whiny BITCH!) Anyone who will subject themselves to the poorly written dialouge that show has to offer is clearly just looking for an excuse not to get off thier ass and work out.

So what's next? Well thank God my good friend Rachel (aka Swan) is back from living in Alaska. We had a little chat over some of her mom's trucker coffee last week and she reminded me once again that I'm not alone and that failure is part of the success. My resolve is once again firmly intact and although the season is upon us for eating candy, pumpkin pie, and all other kinds of sugar coma goodness, it's time I really stop messing about with everyones emotions and lose some real weight.

What I would really like is for you readers to tell me what motivates you in your times of failure... it doesn't have to be failure losing weight. It could be your inability to stop watching reality tv or your addiction to thinking of ways to get social services to take that baby off Snookie.. either way, I'd like to hear your pick-yourself-ups (?)...

I'm probably going to try to post 2 weeks at a time here as our computer has blown up and I'm having to use Paul's tablet to post from. So I'll be chatting with you all later. Send me some good motivational wishes.

Cheers to moving out of the television abyss!


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